Come Closer
by Sarah Gran


A woman is haunted by a seductress.

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Gran writes the story with a neutral prose. I don’t want to describe her prose as bland, but in its unoffensiveness, it flows like water off a duck’s back, as elegant as the quintessential everyday woman: the relatable human trying to live her best life.

Since this is a horror story, it has a tragic ending where sin prevails. The merit of the book is the journey of transformation, the insidious, unassuming descent into madness, although the protagonist hardly considers herself mad.

There isn’t any gore or super explicit content. There are allusions to Christian alternative canon.

If you’re looking for something insiduous, like a splinter crawling under your callouses, Come Closer is a pleasant, short read that delivers exactly that.

Verdict: 4 / 5

Fun Stats

Word Count: 34958
Average Readability (US Grade Level): 6.13
Percent dialogue: 10.83%

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